Saturday 7 December 2013

Avocado Milkshake

Avocado Milkshake
Avocado is fruit which is rich in fibers,vitamins and valuable fats which lessen your LDL cholesterol, which is harmful to your body.For more health benefits refer :

Avocado Milkshake


Avocado -1
Milk -2 cup
Sugar -2-3 tbsp
Vanilla ice cream -1 scoop (optional)

  • Remove skin and seed from the fruit.
  • In a juicer blend avocado with 1 cup of milk and sugar .It will become a thick paste.
  • Again blend with rest of milk .
  • Pour into a glass and garnish with vanilla ice cream.(you can add nuts if required).
  • Enjoy your milkshake !!!


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